Face Scanning Technology
Madison Square Garden has quietly started using facial-recognition technology to bolster security, identify those entering the building, and determine if any person is considered a problem.
The technology uses cameras to capture images of people and uses an algorithm to compare the images to a database of photographs, identifying the person and whether or not they may be considered a problem. While the technology has been used for marketing or promotions, it is now being used for security purposes to provide a ‘safe and wonderful’ experience for guests. It is unknown when the system was installed, and how often it has been used, raising concerns over personal privacy and the security of any data being stored. Though MSG was already known for having tight security, the use of facial recognition technology brings it to the next level. Many teams and leagues, as well as employees of the Garden, are unwilling to discuss security protocols, so it is hard to know how widespread technology like this is.
While security is important, many privacy groups are against this type of technology being used without letting customers know about it. To learn more about the face scanning technology and the debate against it’s private use, visit here.