Surprises can be fun, unless they’re going to cost you money. If unexpected and expensive home catastrophes keep you up at night, it might be time to invest in an inexpensive smart-home sensor to detect smaller problems.
Smart-home sensors can be placed discreetly around your house, requiring no expertise to use, and leaving you with peace of mind that you’ll catch problems before they become budget-busting. Though some sensors can be set up by themselves, others work best when integrated with Apple HomeKit or similar smart-home hubs like SmartThings or Wink. These hubs can send notifications to your smartphone when triggered. The New York Times and Wirecutter collaborated to review some smart-home devices they feel would be useful to most people. This includes water sensors, freeze sensors, smart smoke alarms, temperature sensors, and contact sensors.
To read the full reviews and learn about which may fit best into your life, visit here.